CoolSculpting in Virginia Beach
Enjoy the Benefits of Targeted Fat Reduction
Dr. Ben Hugo Plastic Surgery has been offering CoolSculpting ® in Virginia Beach for non-invasive fat reduction since September 2010, when the device first obtained FDA approval. The team has performed thousands of treatments with this non-invasive body sculpting technique with excellent results. All patients are thoroughly evaluated by Dr. Hugo prior to treatment.
Before & After Photos
Ben Hugo Plastic Surgery‘s before-and-after pictures of real patients.
What is CoolSculpting ®?
CoolSculpting ® is the coolest non-surgical way to lose those annoying bumps and bulges of stubborn fat. This fat-reduction technology targets and cools unwanted fat cells in the selected area to induce a noticeable, natural-looking reduction in fat bulges.
Unlike most other methods of fat reduction, CoolSculpting® involves no needles, surgery, or downtime.
CoolSculpting ® was cleared by the FDA in September 2010 for noninvasive fat reduction. More than 70,000 treatment cycles were performed by 2010, with no reports of long-term adverse effects or complications. Worldwide, more than 1 million CoolSculpting ® treatment cycles have been performed to date.
It’s safe and effective. Results look natural and can be seen as early as three weeks following treatment, with the most dramatic results after one to three months.
- 95 percent of patients achieve a visible, measurable reduction in fat bulges in a single treatment.
- On average, each CoolSculpting® procedure results in a 22.4 percent reduction of fat in the treated area. After the initial treatment is complete, you can attain further reductions with additional treatments to the same area, or freeze fat off with treatments to new areas.
- CoolSculpting® uses patented focal cooling to gently target fat bulges without needles, incisions, pain medication, or recovery time.
- Controlled cooling causes lipids inside the fat cells to crystallize, triggering selective cell death known as apoptosis. The frozen fat cells are safely and gradually removed by a natural process of phagocytosis using the lymphatic system and the body’s normal metabolism.
- The best candidates for CoolSculpting® are near their ideal body weight with diet and exercise-resistant fat bulges.
- If you are seeking spot reduction for specific areas of fat but are not considering a surgical procedure, CoolSculpting® may be right for you.
- Large bulges and folds will require repeat CoolSculpting® treatments to achieve a noticeable reduction. This is not a weight-reduction program.
Watch recent videos and media clips on CoolSculpting™ by ZELTIQ on Vimeo
How Much Does CoolSculpting® Cost
As an experienced Virginia Beach CoolSculpting® expert, Dr. Ben Hugo will meet with you in his Virginia Beach office to discuss all options and pricing. The price of a CoolSculpting® treatment to freeze fat away is impacted by a number of specific factors. CoolSculpting® cost determinants include techniques employed and the time required to perform the procedure.
What Happens During a CoolSculpting® Treatment in Virginia Beach?
To initiate the treatment, we will position the CoolSculpting® device on the area of your body targeted for sculpting. The device will then draw the bulge up between two cooling panels. The sensation is a firm pull and pressure—enough of a pull to ensure the selected tissue will be cooled most efficiently.
CoolSculpting® at Virginia Beach‘s Ben Hugo Plastic Surgery chills fat, leading to its destruction and elimination from the body. The nonsurgical, noninvasive, fat-freezing treatment can be applied to a variety of areas, including the belly/stomach, neck, arms, flanks, and inner and outer thighs.
Procedures last one to six hours depending on the number of areas selected. Patients often spend the procedure time reading, watching TV, working on their laptops, or simply relaxing.
Many CoolSculpting® patients are satisfied after one treatment. However, during your consultation, we can discuss a treatment plan that will meet your specific needs.
What Areas Can Be Treated with CoolSculpting®?
The CoolSculpting® device can be customized to treat a variety of areas of the body through the use of specially designed applicators.
Many patients want CoolSculpting® for fat reduction in their belly, where a bulge is obvious and often difficult to get rid of. The CoolCore™ applicator is frequently used on the abdomen, forming the core of a fat-reduction plan.
Where there’s belly fat, there are also often love handles or a muffin top made up of pinchable fat cells that prevent the lean, straight lines desirable when a shirt is tucked in. This applicator has a rounded shape to better allow it to treat the targeted tissue in flank the area.
While CoolSculpting® is an aesthetic procedure intended for shaping a body already close to a patient’s ideal weight, some patients need more help than others. CoolMax™ is for what is known as large-volume de-bulking, tackling areas where a large number of unwanted fat cells have come together.
Some bulges are round and compact, while others are spread across a more vertical area, such as the inner thighs. This is shaped with lengthier sections of unwanted fat in mind.
Not all excess fat is as pinchable as a love handle. Fat on the outer thighs tends to be visible, but not so easy to pull between the cooling plates of other CoolSculpting® applicators. The CoolSmooth™ is unique in its design since the handpiece is flat and able to easily slide over the treatment area.
Fat does not distribute evenly throughout the body, and it collects in different areas on different people, so there is no single treatment plan that can be applied to each patient seeking re-contouring. Talk to the Ben Hugo Plastic Surgery team about which problem areas need to be addressed and what the ideal final look would be. The CoolSculpting® specialists can tailor a plan that focuses on your specific body to produce results that look good on you.
Can I Return to Normal Activities After the Procedure?
CoolSculpting® is completely non-surgical, so typically you can return to normal activities immediately. Some patients experience redness, minor bruising, tingling, numbness, or discomfort in the treated area, but this is temporary and will resolve completely. Oftentimes, patients return to work after the CoolSculpting® session is over.
Dr. Ben Hugo
Whether your needs are surgical or you are simply looking to rejuvenate your appearance, Dr. Hugo and his qualified staff welcome you. Learn more about Dr. Hugo, his qualifications, and how he can help you.
Learn more about Dr. Hugo, his qualifications, and how he can help you here.
When Will I See Results?
You may start to see changes as quickly as three weeks after your treatment and will experience the most dramatic results after three to five months. Your body is still flushing fat cells and will continue doing so for up to four months after treatment.
Are CoolSculpting® Results Permanent?
During CoolSculpting®, the treated fat cells are permanently eliminated. As long as you maintain a healthy lifestyle, long-term results should remain stable. There is no increase in skin laxity after the treatment. However, prior loose skin does not tighten. Folds will persist but are likely to be visibly smaller.
With an excellent artistic sense, Dr. Hugo has built a reputation for consistently providing natural results for his plastic surgery patients. Before and after photos of Dr. Hugo’s CoolSculpting® patients in the Virginia Beach area are available to help you visualize the possibilities.
Why Can’t I Just Diet or Exercise?
Patients certainly can and should address unwanted fat by watching their calorie intake and maintaining regular physical activity. Excess fat is associated with health problems and a higher risk of disease. A healthy diet and exercise are crucial to keeping your body strong and functioning as it should, and also represent an effective way to shrink large fat cells throughout the body.
Unfortunately, there are two problems for people who want the full aesthetic benefit of their weight-loss efforts.
First, fat cells that reduce in size due to dieting and physical activity do not physically leave the body. They remain in the area, where they can easily grow in size again under the right circumstances. This may not be a problem if lifestyle changes are maintained for the long term, but it is something to be aware of.
Second, not all fat cells shrink, even if diet plans and exercise regimens are followed faithfully and consistently. Known as “stubborn” or “diet-resistant” fat, pockets and bulges can continue to bother men and women alike, especially if their efforts are showing success elsewhere on the body.
The only way to guarantee that a fat cell will leave from where it is not wanted and not remain to grow larger again is to eliminate it from the body. CoolSculpting® does this by destroying these cells completely.
As noted above, remember that CoolSculpting® is for body contouring, and is not a weight loss method or intended for health.
What Are My Options Beyond CoolSculpting®
While this noninvasive method of fat destruction and removal is effective to freeze your fat, some patients want the results available from surgical recontouring. Liposuction remains a popular option for its ability to remove unwanted fat cells via suction. As with CoolSculpting®, these cells are no longer in the system and can no longer add their volume to a bulge. Lipo is frequently used on the abdomen, but can also be tailored to remove smaller amounts of fat to sculpt the face or help reduce overly larger breasts.
For patients who specifically want to address the fat that makes up a double chin, Kybella® is an option. FDA approved to correct submental fullness, this injectable destroys fat cells with deoxycholic acid, a natural chemical the body uses to break down dietary fat.
Patients seeking fat removal may also be dealing with the related problem of cellulite. Dimply skin is due to connective bands that pull the skin above down into a small divot. A laser cellulite treatment that releases the tension, as well as shrinks nearby lumps of fat, can help.
In some cases, unwanted fat cells are removed, but the patient’s skin remains stretched out. With no bulge beneath it, this skin can sag and droop, hiding improved contours. A tummy tuck addresses this problem on the abdomen, eliminating excess tissue and tightening lax muscles to reveal a leaner belly area.
The Ben Hugo Plastic Surgery team takes the time with each patient to truly understand his or her aesthetic concerns and suggest the treatment or mix of treatments best suited to safely generate satisfying results.
Schedule a CoolSculpting Fat Reduction Consultation
Schedule your consultation for CoolSculpting Fat Reduction in Virginia Beach, VA– contact Dr. Ben Hugo and set up your appointment. During your appointment, you will be able to ask questions and bring up any concerns you may have about the procedure. Contact us today to get the look you’ve always wanted!